
European Grand Prix

Presentation | Prize list

The European Prize for choral singing was created in 1988 throught he initiative of the competitions of AREZZO (Italy), DEBRECEN (Hungary), MARIBOR (Slovenia) (since 2008 instead of GORIZIA - Italie) and TOURS (France).
Two others have also been associated: VARNA (Bulgaria) in 1989, and TOLOSA (Spain) in 1990.
The winners of each of these contests meet each year to compete for the European Prize. The compeition is held alternatively in each of the six cities.
> : The European Prize website.

Last contest:  the 
25th E.G.P took place in AREZZO, (Italy)

If we take into account the important number of events that the selected choirs must overcome, and already winners of a prize, we can consider this European Prize a true world championship of Choral Art.
The choirs are judged by an International jury of at least 7 members representing at least 6 different countries. The future specialists chosen by the jury can be selected no more than two years running.
We remind you that only amateurs can participate in the competition for the European Prize.
The winning choir will gain the title of the European Prize, a unique and indivisible prize which consists of :

  a prize giving ceremony where a trophy and certificate will be awarded to the winner
  a series of concerts organised by the festival of laureat choirs
  possibly a cash prize of no more than 4000€. Each year the sum is defined in the bulletin for the European championship by the organiser.

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