Concours International de Chant Choral
Membre du Grand Prix Européen de Chant Choral
International Competition for Choral Singing
Member of the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing
Announcement of the 2019 selected choirs!
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For this 2019 edition, the candidates have been numerous and of a very high level. Despite the difficulty for the musical committee to make a choice, we can finally reveal the 8 international candidates which will friendly compete during the 48th Florilège Vocal de Tours’ international competition for choral singing.
- Batavia Madrigal Singers – Indonesia
- Choir “Sola” of the Latvian Academy of Culture - Latvia
- Coro Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga - Colombia
- E STuudio Youth Choir – Estonia
- El Leon de Oro - Spain
- Kór Langholtskirkju - Iceland
- Vocal Ensemble Brevis - Croatia
- Ženski Zbor ČarniCe - Slovenia
OFF competition program:
Within the « Viva Leonardo Da Vinci 2019 » operation of the Région Centre Val de Loire, the Florilège Vocal de Tours places, this year, the Renaissance period at the center of the event. Besides the international competition, we will offer workshops, meetings and concerts!