Florilège Vocla de Tours - concours international de chant choral
Concours International de Chant Choral
Membre du Grand Prix Européen de Chant Choral

International Competition for Choral Singing
Member of the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing

The 50th edition of the Florilège Vocal de Tours, International Competition for Choral Singing, will take place from June 17th to 19th, 2022. This major event for all voice and choral singing lovers is a gathering for the best choirs coming from all over the world to perform on the stage of the Grand Théâtre and to try and win the Grand Prix de la Ville de Tours.
Winning this prize allows the choir to compete on the next year’s European Grand Prix for Choral Singing.

The international competition in a few words:

A competition in three parts:

  • Compulsory program: the choir chooses the works it wants to sing; they must be from three different periods of time, with a least one created by a French composer.
  • Free program: the choir can express its creativity by choosing the works it wants to put into light.
  • Grand Prix de la ville de Tours : after the 2 first parts of the competition, the jury decides which choirs are admitted to compete in this « finale ». The finalist choirs perform a program of their choice (with the same constraints as the compulsory program; only a few works already sung can be sung another time). The choir that gives the best performance during the three parts of the competition wins the Grand Prix.


An optional competition dedicated to the Renaissance music:

  • The willing choirs can compete in the Renaissance Program, optional part of the competition, which emphasize on works from the years 1400 to 1600.
  • The choirs have to sing a work based on a poetry by Pierre de Ronsard.


French composers showcased:

  • One to two french contemporary composers are included every year in the program of the Florilège Vocal, as a wish to contribute to make the culture from France known through the world.


Numerous prizes:

  • Several prizes reward the multiple talents of the competing choirs : Prize for the best staging, Renaissance Prize, Prize for a new work, Prize of the Ministry of culture, conductor’s Prize
  • Last but not least, the Prize of the Public which is voted by the audience of the Florilège Vocal to choose the choir they liked most!


Click here to buy your tickets online and attend the event!

The 50th edition of the Florilège Vocal de Tours will take place from June 17th to 19th 2022.