Program of the 50th Florilège Vocal de Tours
Program of the Florilège Vocal de Tours 2022
Thursday the 19th of May
Church St Jeanne d’Arc
20 h 30 Concert of the Maîtrise de Radio France
direction Sofi Jeannin
Thursday the 16th of June
Opéra de Tours
19 h 15 Pre-concert : Dzurk (entrance free)
20 h 30 Opening concert
Un concert spirituel au temps de Louis XV
Ensemble Consonance
direction François Bazola
Friday the 17th of June
Opéra de Tours
19 h Pre-concert : The Keystones, direction Gaël Sérandour (entrance free)
20 h Concert Florilège
- Vocal ensemble Syllepse, France
- Insieme Vocale Vox Cordis, Italy
- KGBL Chamber choir, Slovenia
Saturday the 18th of June
9 h 30 Workshop Traditional songs with Unio
partnership with CEPRAVOI
Cinéma Studios, garden
10 h Workshop Chœurs Ouverts (entrance free)
Church St Julien
10 h 30 Concert of Early music
— Vocal ensemble Syllepse, France
- Insieme Vocale Vox Cordis, Italy
- KGBL Chamber choir, Slovenia
Opéra de Tours
14 h Florilège for the Peace (entrance free)
Local choirs singing for the peace in the world
Courtyard of hall Ockeghem (place Châteauneuf)
15 h et 16 h Workshop Chœurs Ouverts (entrance free)
Salle Jean Vilar (Opéra)
17 h Conference of the composer Eric Lebrun (entrance free)
Opéra de Tours
18 h 30 Concert after the workshop Traditional songs with Unio
partnership with CEPRAVOI (entrance free)
20 h European Grand Prix for Choral Singing
Sunday the 19th of June
Hall Jean Vilar (Opéra)
9 h Workshop Sounds from America
direction : Brady Allred (entrance free, with inscription)
10 h 30 Workshop Hommage à Astor Piazzolla
direction : Silvana Vallesi (entrance free, with inscription)
Opéra de Tours
16 h Concert
Trio Unio
Choir Mikrokosmos
direction Loïc Pierre